Today marks a very special occasion and I felt the need to share with the world. I'm writing this post because I hope to inspire you, because the past six months have changed my life, my body, my mind, and my spirit more than I will ever be able to put in to words. But, I can try.
It has been exactly six months since I first decided to step into the hot room. Just two months before that my whole life was spun upside down (or as my great friend Pam would say, my snow globe had been totally shook up). I wasn't sure how to put the pieces back together. I wasn't sure if it was even possible to do so. I wasn't even sure it was possible to ever feel happy, confident, or beautiful ever again. Then, without ever trying Bikram yoga before, I laid my mat in the 110C room and promised myself I'd do it everyday for thirty days. After the thirty days my practice came naturally. I haven’t looked back.
Prior to starting the challenge I did some research. Hindu philispohy and yoga go hand in hand and I’ve been drawn to Gods and Goddess of the Hindu tradition for quite some time. I needed an inspiration, and quite frankly, a cool name for my blog (which at that point I thought I'd write in every day). This inspiration came in the form of the Goddess Durga. I was drawn to Durga for various reasons, but mostly because she was a fighter.
In Sanskirt the word "Durga" means fort, or any place which is difficult to over run. You'll also hear the term "Durgatinashini" which translates perfectly to "the one who eliminates sufferings". Hindus believe that this badass goddess protects her worshippers from evils of the world and removes their miseries. She also incarnates into all of the most incredible goddesses to kill the demon Mahishasur and just before killing him proclaims "Roar with delight while you still can, O illiterate demon, because when I will kill you, the gods themselves will roar with delight". Day one I stared myself in the mirror and told my demons the same thing. Then I kicked some serious demon ass and never looked back.
Fast Forward six months: I try to go every day, but I've accomplished ninety six ninety minute classes, which equals one hundred and forty hours and thirty minutes, which translates to more than six full days in the yoga room and life has never been better. I am so full of exuberance and joy that sometimes I'm not sure how to contain myself. My cells are bursting with pure happiness and gratitude. You will often see me smiling (or even laughing) as I walk down the street. I'm not afraid of anything. Life is amazing, exciting, fun, and above all, truly beautiful. My yoga practice has improved too. Postures that I never thought I could possibly do are actually possible now. I have breakthroughs on a regular basis, both physical and mental. I've surrounded myself with inspirational people, both inside and outside of the hot room. My smiling muscles are as strong as my obliques.
Now, I'm not here to tell you that this is for everyone. I know it's not and I'm okay with that. But, I know there is a yoga for everyone and it has nothing to do with bending yourself into contorted shapes. Yoga means union. Union of the body, mind, and spirit. By pushing and stretching my body on my mat as often as I can I have pushed and stretched my mind and spirit too. I am surrounded daily by people who's story is not unlike mine. This is because we all have the same story of pain, hurt, and loss. I'm here to tell you that my story is your story. So, if you're lost and don't know what to do I can't think of any better advice to give you than to strip down into your smallest, tightest outfit, roll out your yoga mat and stare yourself in the mirror in a ridiculously hot room for ninety minutes until you're okay (or even in love) with the person you're staring at; mind, body, and spirit.
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