Today marks the first day of my new yoga practice. I have decided to begin a 30 day Bikram yoga challenge. I will do the same 26 postures for 30 days, every single day, no excuses. I remember reading about this challenge a few months ago. I read that Bikram says that if you do this yoga every single day for 30 days your life will change, your body will change, your mind will change, your everything will change. And guess what folks, that is exactly what I need! I need a change.
Why Bikram? I've been practicing (if you can call it that) various flavours of yoga since I was 17 years old... on and off (mostly off). I never thought that I would ever step foot into a Bikram studio. The competitive attitude scared me. The extreme heat made me uneasy (what if I faint?). It just isn't the kumbaya yoga that I'm used to. Fear fear fear... my only excuse holding me back from doing this yoga was fear.... and that just isn't good enough for me anymore. (Also... see above, I need a change.)
So, after weeks of deliberating and prepping myself I finally walked my nearly naked, fat butt (and I mean that with all the loving kindness in this universe) into the torture chamber... yes, that is what they call a studio in the Bikram world. The Torture Chamber. The girl who got me all sorted this evening told me to take it easy on myself, it being my first day, and that I should stay in the coolest parts of the room, the middle and/or the front. When I walked in the room there was one last spot available, in the back corner. The room itself is heated to a blood boiling 105 degrees. By the time I laid down on my mat I was already sweating, my heart was already pounding.
Somehow, ninety minutes and at least a pints (mmm beer) worth of sweat later, I'm still alive. I had a good time. I smiled for most...errr... some of it (okay I think I smiled once, or twice, but still!). I think that I may actually enjoy this. Right on!
Wish me luck for tomorrow!
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